Sunday, August 24, 2008

Talking Points

Co-Founder – President: Stan Cherelstein, was the President & Chief Financial Officer
of another nutritional – supplement company that was sold and restructured.

Stan had a vision of building a bigger and better company than the one he left.

After Stan developed Waiora’s business plan in January 2004 he asked Eddie Stone, a top distributor with 13 years experience, a fantastic leader with a passion for helping others succeed and a commitment to high-quality, effective products to be his Co-Founder.

Rik Deitsch, a biochemist and Chief Executive Officer of Nutra Pharma Corporation, a biotechnology research group, and long time acquaintance of Stan and Eddie was chosen to help with product formulations. (See information on Rik’s book below.)

In May 2004, in Boca Raton, Florida Waiora was launched with 15 former employees from the other company. (executives, management and customer-service) As of May 2008, Waiora was 4 years old.

Waiora’s Vision …
to become the leading provider of the best quality anti-aging products and
provide an unparalled business opportunity that allowed people to achieve their dreams.

Waiora’s Mission …
to help people rediscover their youth through natural, science-based products and
give people the opportunity to achieve financial freedom and an exceptional lifestyle.

Waiora’s product philosophy …
to support the 3 actions that can be taken to offset the effects of aging, which occur from environmental, nutritional and biological factors.

Remove … Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) (liquid zeolite), 2 herbal teas & fiber

Replenish … Essential Daily Nutritients (EDN) , AgariGold (medicinal liquid extract),
Antioxidants, Omega 3-fish Oil, Heart, Healthy Aging, Memory, Vision & Sleep

Restore … 9 nourishing skin products for face and body.

Waiora’s Compensation Plan …
The backbone of a successful business. The leaders in the industry say …
Waiora has a very generous plan with many components to make you a success!
6 “ranks’ from Bronze to Diamond
9 levels deep (as your group grows, you make more on the deeper levels – 7%, 8%, 10%)

Waiora’s Opportunities To Earn Income …
FastStart Bonus: Enroll new members (See form)
PaceSetter Bonus: Begin with a PaceSetter Discount Pack $500 = 500 Personal Volume (PV)
AdvantageShip: Monthly qualifier ($100 1st 4 ranks) $200 5th & 6th ranks.) (Link to PaceSetter)

Waiora’s Financial Stability …
After 3 years Waiora is debt free

(Gross Sales by calendar year)
2004 - 1 million (May to December: 8 months)
2005 - 7 million
2006 - 36 million
2007 –

Rik Deitsch’s book …
Rik along with Stewart Lonky, M.D, board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary and
critical care medicine co-authored Invisible Killers in 2007.

This book is an expose that brings to light the dangers that surround us every day in air, water and food. These toxins build up in our bodies, which many people believe is a major cause of disease. The authors identify the problems and offer solutions that will help people reduce their toxic burden and live a healthier, longer life.

Four chapters in Part I cover the details of various toxins, research and studies regarding the effects on the body and resultant dis-eases.

In Part II four chapters go into detail as to how to eliminate the harmful toxins through detoxification that are discussed in the first 4 chapters.

Chapter 7 is devoted to traditional chelation and the use of zeolites.
(Waiora’s first #1 product was Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), a liquid zeolite that captures and eliminates heavy metals.)

Scientists for the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit, produced a study that found an average of 200 industrial chemical, pollutants and pesticides in the umbilical cord blood of newborns.

These were mercury, dioxins, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and preservatives, which are substances known to cause health complications, nervous system toxicity and birth defects.

Our appearance, particularly skin, hair and nails, are adversely affected by smog, vehicle exhaust, cigarette smoke, and chemicals. These substances become toxins in the body. Detoxification is important in order to reduce these them.

It’s impossible to completely get all toxins out of your body, because we are continually being exposed. However as part of your efforts to take care of your body in order to experience the best health possible, it’s critical to not only eliminate the toxins that have been accumulating, but to eliminate the constant daily invaders.

Waiora in Other Countries:

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(If you stumble over all those letters, go to Goggle & type in Waiora’s Secret Spring.)

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