Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Brilliant Marketing Plan

Tim Sales is the name of a man who has put together a website and a 1 ½ hour DVD that explains Multi Level Marketing (MLM) / Network Marketing in a generic non-hype way.

One comment regarding Tim states, “he is clearly number one in honesty, integrity, knowledge and service.” He is unusually “real”.

When I first saw the 1 ½ hour DVD, I was astounded and thrilled with his professional presentation. The potential of MLM is made understandable and the old thinking that it is a pyramid scam is finally laid to rest.

Tim included an excellent interview with Dr. Charles King, Professor of Marketing at the University of Illinois, Chicago, as well as personal stories and pictures of other professionals who discovered the benefits of MLM.

However, since an hour and a half is a bit much for one sitting, it is easily divided into three half hour segments or two 45 minute segments.

No longer will a network marketer have to explain MLM or feel they have been bamboozled by shadowy characters.

They can feel proud of their business and the service they are providing by bringing quality product(s) and helpful information to people, who have been scammed by slick magazine advertising and TV commercials that pay people to act like your friend, family or neighbor. Actors can be “trained” to say anything to convince you the product they are promoting is safe and of great value. (Especially pharmaceutical drugs with a long list of side effects. Just ask your doctor!)

Is that actor available for personal consultations or really care about you and your situation?

Begin by watching a short animated preview on Tim Sales’ Brilliant Compensation website. Then call me to borrow the “live” 1 ½ hour video.

Help Others – Help Yourself. MLM is a win – win business!

Amazon has two highly recommended books about this distribution / income phenomenon:
The Wave 4 Way To Building Your Downline by Richard Poe, Published 2000
Your First Year In Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell, Published 1998

If this is of interest to you, let’s talk about discovering Waiora's liquid zeolite (Natural Cellular Defense), which helps rid the body of heavy metals and toxic chemicals that damage the DNA of people, pets and Mother Earth’s soil – the foundation for the vitamins and minerals required to grow nutritious food and supports a healthy life.

Perhaps you are interested in Waiora’s liquid medicinal mushroom, Agaricus Blazei Murill, which Japanese scientists began studying before 1980 and found it to enhance the immune system with beta glucan polysaccharides, which have shown strong results in treating and preventing cancer.

You may borrow the booklet by Beth Ley, Ph.D. “Medicinal Mushrooms for Immune Enhancement”, which goes into detail about combating viruses and bacteria, protecting the body from cancer and how Agaricus Blazei Murill has demonstrated a 99.4% anti-cancer effect and 90.0% rate of complete recovery. (See page 21 in the booklet.)

If you decide you are interested in purchasing any of Waiora's products at wholesale, for approximately $34.00 (which includes shipping and sales tax) you will have the opportunity to become not only a member of Waiora, but the opportunity to purchase their products at wholesale. This also gives you the privilege of earning an income by sharing the products with others. (MLM)

P.S. At the top of this page is Tim Sales' website. If you click on that web address, his website comes up. Look on the left side - under his picture - under "order movies now".

Notice two movie previews in English you can click on. One is titled: Brilliant Compensation, the other is, What The Wealthy Buy on Payday. They are short 5 minute abbreviated animated "movies".

If you find this concept of interest, let's talk about it.

If not, let's arrange to get liquid zeolite to you to find out what it can do for you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Dianna Coulombe

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