Sunday, August 24, 2008

Waiora's Business Terms

1. AdvantageShip: Automatic monthly delivery
Requirements for your AdvantageShip and additional PV
are based on your level of activity in the preceding month, not the current month.

Mentor's Note regarding Advantage Ship:
Include AdvantageShip with everyone’s First Time Order.
Two days later cancel it, so the following month the product won’t automatically show up.
When you want products to automatically show up, call customer service or go to your Waiora's Member Account page (Back Office) and enter information desired.

2. Commission period: From 1st day to last day of a calendar month.

3. CV: Commissionable Volume (Points: predetermined value assigned to products)

4. Compressed Volume: Downline person, who has no PV in any given month, is not considered when calculating organizational commissions for upline.

5. Downline: persons sponsored

6. Enroller: The person who signs up a new member.

7. Frontline: Sponsored First Level is the beginning of a Leg

8. Level: Location of Upline or Downline

9. Linked Enrollment: If a new member enrolls with a $500 FastStart purchase
they will continually receive 10% of all purchases made by people they enroll.
By qualifying at higher levels, you can also earn commissions on the volume
of Members enrolled by the people you have personally enrolled.

10. PV: Personal Volume

11. Personal Rebate: Earned from personal order(s).

12. Preferred Customer: Agreement for wholesale pricing

13. Rank: Organizational position (level)

14. Rollup: If a member does not renew (annual fee of 14.95) all member's below that person fill in the vacated place in the downline.

15. OV: Organizational Volume

16. Sponsor: Within 60 days of a new member’s enrollment date, their Enroller may place them in one of their “legs”, in order to help their downline and themselves advance to a higher rank.

17. Upline: Levels above the new member.

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