Quick Summary
3 "legs" - 9 levels deep
compression with 50% payout
satisfaction guarantee
30 day return
Compensation Plan Introduction:
Waiora's compensation is a fair and balanced financial opportunity for
the part-time member as well as the full-time business builder.
Compensation is earned based on ...
retail sale of products
personal consumption and
building an organization.
Easy to understand
Rewards performance
Fair and balanced
A lucrative financial opportunity for the part-time Member
as well as the full-time business builder
Seven ranks and a reward trip
When a person decides to become a Business Builder Member of Waiora,
it's to their advantage to focus their efforts on ...
1. Understanding the PaceSetter Bonus & FastStart Rewards
2. Understanding the Compensation Plan
3. Educating self regarding Waiora's products and Network Marketing
4. Enrolling New Members
Pacesetter Bonus
Paid monthly to those who qualify:
(In order to earn the most income from the day a member enrolls and "forever", it is wise to initially purchase 500 PV (purchse volume) wih is generally $500.
Order 500 PV or greater in any one month.
Eigibility begins in the month the order is placed.
Must have an active AdvantageShip with a minimum of 100 PV.
Must personally enroll five (new) Distributors in the current month,
each with a minimum 100 PV order.
The bonus is paid based on points earned from each new Distributor personally enrolled during the month.
Points are earned based on a new Distributor's initial order as follows:
1 point for 100 to 199
2 points for 200 to 499
5 points for 500 +
At the end of each month, the total points earned by all qualifying Distributors are totaled.
A Member's PaceSetter Bonus is their total points earned, multiplied by $25.
3. FastStart
Immediate rewards for selling products to customers and building an organization.
Paid bi-weekly with the pay periods running from the 1st to the 15th and
the 16th to the end of the month.
Commission checks are issued two to four days
after the close of the FastStart period.
Rewards are based on three factors:
1. Volume from your personal AdvantageShip
2. Personal Volume (PV)
3. Volume from people you personally enroll.
Requirements for your AdvantageShip and additional PV are based on your level of activity in the preceding month, not the current month.
However, a new Member’s first month requirements
are based on their 1st month activity.
Members have the potential of earning two levels deep,
which includes their personal enrollment activity (Level l)
and the enrollment activity of people they have personally enrolled (Level 2).
FastStart is paid as follows:
Personal AdvantageShip Personal Volume Level 1 Level 2
Month 1: None 100 10% None
Month 2: 100 15% None
My Mentor's Note regarding Advantage Ship:
Include AdvantageShip with everyone’s First Time Order.
Two days later cancel it, so the following month the product won’t automatically show up.
When you want products to automatically show up, call customer service or go to your Waiora's Member Account page (Back Office).
In addition, Waiora has a FastStart instant qualification
for existing Members to receive maximum FastStart payout in the current
AND following month.
Any existing Member, who places a single 500 PV order in a particular month,
will immediately qualify for the maximum FastStart payout
for the remainder of the current month and following month.
A unique aspect of Waiora's Fast Start is that it provides linked Enrollment,
which permanently links an enroller to their new Member FastStart to the Enroller, not the upline Sponsor, for the enrollment activity of the new Distributor.
FastStart earnings in a new Member's first few months
will be a significant source of income,
until they have developed a Membership organization
and begin earning monthly Organizational Commissions ()V).
1. Retail Profits
2. Customer Rebates
3. FastStart
4. Pacesetter Bonus
5. Organizational Commissions
6. Emerald Growth Bonus
7. Global Diamond Bonus
8. Performer’s Reward Trip
1. Retail Profits
Members can earn Retail Profits on products purchased at retail by your customers and products purchased by Members at wholesale and sold to retail customers.
2. Customer Rebates
Selling product to customers is an essential business-building activity.
The company provides a very efficient program for selling and delivering products.
Customers can sign up, order and have their product delivered directly to them from the company. Waiora rewards Members for customer orders as follows:
Customer Volume: 100 to 499 - Member earns 5%
Customer Volume: 500 or more - Member earns 10%
Customer’s Volume does not count as part of a Member's qualification for their own Personal Volume (PV) or monthly AdvantageShip.
To earn customer rebates, a Member must have 100 Personal Volume (PV) in the qualifying month and be in good standing with the company.
5. Monthly Organizational Commissions
At the end of each calendar month, Members qualify for one of six ranks.
The qualifications are based on the size and structure of their organization.
The following list summarizes the qualifications required and commissions earned.
1. Bronze: Personal volume (PV) 100 - No organization
2. Silver: PV 100
Total of 300 in Organizational Volume (OV) on first level
Earn on first level: 5%
3. Gold: PV 100
Two legs within three levels, with a Silver Distributor in each leg
Total of 1,000 OV on first three levels
Earn on three levels: 7%, 8%, 10%
4. Ruby: PV 100
Two legs with a Gold Distributor in each leg within their first five levels
Total of 5,000 in OV in first five levels
Earn on five levels: 3%, 5%, 7%, 8%, 10%
5. Emerald: PV 200
Three legs with a Ruby Distributor in each leg within their first seven levels
Total of 30,000 in OV in first seven levels
Earn on seven levels of volume: l %, 3%, 4%, 5%, 7%, 8%, 10%
6. Diamond: PV 200
Three legs with an Emerald distributor in each leg within their first nine levels .
Total of 150,000 in OV in first nine levels
Earn on nine levels of volume: 1%,2%,3%,4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 10%
Waiora's Compensation Plan provides two pay periods bi-weekly
providing the opportunity to earn thirty-six (36) paychecks a year.
1. FastStart
2. Organizational Commissions
2. FastStart
The FastStart Bonus allows every Distributor the opportunity to earn a
bi-weekly check.
Each period, you can earn commissions on the first 200
in volume of your new enrolled Member's initial order.
By qualifying at higher levels, you can also earn commissions on the volume
of Members enrolled by the people you have personally enrolled.
3. FastStart Pay Period
The FastStart pay period is based on orders placed and paid for during
two bi-weekly pay periods each month: the 1st - 15th and the 16th
through the end of the month.
Waiora must receive and process an order no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on the 15th or the last day of the month to be included in the FastStart check issued for that period.
Members wishing to include orders and receive payment for a particular period outside of Waiora's hours of operation, may process orders online though the company's website at www.waiora.com.
FastStart commission checks will be mailed three to five business days
after the close of a FastStart period, barring forces of nature that are
beyond our control that may cause a delay in the mailing of commission
4. Organizational Commissions Pay Period
Based on a calendar month.
Orders must be received at Waiora’s office no later than midnight (11:59 p.m. EST via phone (Office closes 6:00 pm Est.). or recorded on Waiora’s website www.waiora.com or fax for the sales(s) to be included in the commission check issued for that month.
FastStart commission checks will be mailed between the 5th and 20th day
of each month for orders received during the previous month, barring
forces of nature that are beyond our control.
If the commission checks mail date is a holiday or weekend, commission checks will be mailed on the following business day.
Detailed information for a Member's check is only available online in the Member's Back Office / My Account area.
Should a Member request a hard copy of this information, there will be a service fee.
If a Member believes there is an error in their activity report,
the Member must notify Waiora immediately in writing or within forty-five-(45) days after the end of the relevant commission period, the Members waives all recourse with respect to such alleged error.
5. Lost or Replacement Checks
If a bi-weekly or monthly commission check is lost or misplaced, or a request for replacement for a check under $50 will result in a credit adjustment will be made to the subsequent monthly check.
If a commission check is over $50, the Member can request a replacement check and pay a $5 fee, or have an adjustment made to their account that will appear the following month.
Requests from Members for checks not received, will require a thirty (30) business day waiting period from the date of the original mailing.
Organizational Commissions are calculated using compressed volume,
which means that any Distributor that has volume of less than 100 PV
does not count as a level.
Emerald Growth Bonus
Designed to reward Emeralds for their efforts as they grow their businesses month after month.
The bonus consists of one percent (1%) of net local country volume,
paid monthly and shared among the Emerald Bonus qualifiers.
To qualify for the bonus in any given month,
A Distributor must be an active Emerald.
Must personally enroll two new PaceSetters and
Increase their month-over-month,
qualifying seven-Level Organizational Volume (OV) by 2,000.
Qualifying Emeralds will earn shares of the bonus based on leg OV.
How to qualify
In order to qualify for the Emerald Bonus, Emeralds must achieve the
following monthly requirements:
1. Must be an active Emerald in the qualifying month.
2. Must personally enroll two new. members each with a Pacesetter order
of 500 CV or more in the qualifying month.
3. Must increase month-over-month pay line (seven levels) OV by 2,000.
OV is based on highest attained OV using June 2007 pay line OV as the beginning base.
How to Earn
1. 3 legs each with a minimum of 5,000 OV = 1 share
2. 3 legs each with a minimum of 10,000 OV =3 shares
3. 3 legs each with a minimum of 15,000 OV = 5 shares
4. 3 legs each with a minimum of 20,000 OV = 7 shares
5. 3 legs each with a minimum of 25,000 OV = 10 shares
The Global Diamond Bonus
The Global Diamond Bonus is designed to reward Diamonds for building and
growing their organizations. The bonus consists of three percent (3%) of
net global commissionable volume, is paid quarterly, and is shared among
Diamond Bonus qualifiers. To qualify for the bonus in any given calendar
quarter, a Distributor must maintain a rank of Diamond or higher, grow
their quarter-over-quarter qualifying Organizational Volume and earn the
necessary Diamond Bonus Points. Qualifying Diamonds earn shares of the
bonus based on Diamond rank.
How to Qualify
In order to qualify for the Global Diamond Bonus a Diamond must achieve
the following quarterly requirements:
1. Be an active Diamond-level for all three months of the quarter.
2. Increase their cumulative quarter-over-quarter qualifying pay line (9 level) OV.
This means that to earn the Diamond Bonus for the first quarter,
your combined January -March nine-level OV must exceed your
October December cumulative nine-level OV for the second quarter bonus,
April - June cumulative nine-level OV must exceed January - March for the 3rd quarter bonus.
July - September must exceed April – June for the 4th quarter bonus,
October - December must exceed July - September.
NOTE: This growth requirement will be waived if 50 Diamond Bonus Points
are achieved in a quarter. (See #3 below)
3. Earn a minimum of 30 Diamond Bonus Points in the quarter.
Diamond bonus points are earned as follows:
2 pts. Guest speak at a qualified open meeting
6 pts, Teach a Waiora certified training course
8 pts. Produce a new qualified sales / training tool
1 pt. Recruit a new PaceSetter
4 pts. Break a new Ruby, who you either personally enroll
or who is in your first three pay levels
12 pts. Break a new Emerald, who you either personally enroll
or who is in your first three pay levels
20 pts. Break a new Diamond who you either personally enroll.
or who is in your first three pay levels
5 pts. Increase quarterly paid on volume by 10%
10 pts. Increase quarterly paid on volume by 20%
20 pts. Increase quarterly paid on volume by 30%
NOTE: The quarterly volume increases are not cumulative.
This means that if growth is 20%, 10 points are earned, not 15.
How to Earn
Qualifying Level Shares Earned
Diamond 2
Single Diamond 3
Double Diamond 5
Triple Diamond 7
Blue Diamond 9
Black Diamond 12
1. The Bonus is paid based on the lowest achieved Diamond rank of the quarter.
This means if you are a Double Diamond in January and February
and a Single Diamond in March, you will qualify to earn the Single Diamond Bonus.
2. A qualified open meeting meets the following criteria:
a. Posted on the company's website at least two weeks in advance of the meeting
b. Held in a public location that is open to anyone who wants to attend
c. Takes place in your "home" country/market.
USA and Canada are considered one home market.
d. Have a minimum of 15 verifiable attendees in countries not open for
on-the-ground-business / Not For Resale (NFR) markets,
30 Diamond Bonus points are required for participation in the Diamond Bonus Pool.
However, Diamond Bonus points are not earned for the qualification requirements
outlined in 3i and 3ii as open meetings in NFR markets are not legally permitted.
Top Performer’s Reward Trip
Grow your business and reap the rewards!
Twice a year, Waiora sends its Top Performers on a long weekend getaway for two in reward and recognition of their outstanding business building activities.
Held in a top-tier destination city, this three-night, four-day extravaganza includes airfare, luxurious hotel accommodations and exciting events, including a business meeting with Waiora executives and leadership, training by Waiora's top leaders.
To qualify for this special reward trip, Distributors earn points based on their advancement in rank, personal enrollment activity and PaceSetter Bonus qualification.
The top point earners over a six month qualification period (March- August or
September - February) will earn a spot on the Top Performers' Reward Trip.
There are no limits to how many times you can qualify, so travel with Waiora twice a year!
7. Plan Amendments
Changes to the Compensation Plan can be made at the discretion of the company at any time. Posting on the corporate website represents official notification.
8. Compensation Eligibility
In order to receive compensation from Waiora, a Distributor must have a minimum of 100 PV in personal orders and be in good standing with the company.
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